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Nightingale Legacy Portal
158 VOTE
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Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2024

Guidebook keeps marking everthing as new

I have tried the mare all read button and clicking every individual item in the guidebook, and for a time it works. Eventually though when I pull up the guidebook everything will be highlighted again.

    Jun 11, 2024

    Thank you for continuing to upvote and comment on this issue.
    To confirm, those who are still experiencing the Guidebook Items appearing as New, does this only happen after logging out and back in? Or do the entries become New again at any other point?

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2024

    Responding to the dev question:
    Every time the realm is loaded, the bug happens!
    Even if the realm is already visited, like the home. The only exception is the minor portal events in biomes, in there the guidebook not mark everything as new again...

  • Guest
    Jun 22, 2024

    Every time I load a page either new realm or into the game it makes all my building blueprints new again.

  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2024

    Perhaps a simple QoL solution to this would be to remove the 'new' section and have a small 'new' icon placed beside the item in the categorized list in the same location as when players 'mark' a recipe for crafting?

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2024
    I think it may also be on traveling to the watch and back, as well as logging out and back in for me.
  • Guest
    Jun 8, 2024

    It should be noted that this bug still occurs in v0.3.1, even though the v0.3.1 patch said it was supposed to have fixed this.

  • +58

Recipe Unlock Desync?

Every time I travel back to my abeyance realm, my crafting recipes, building recipes, codex and how to play sections are all marked as unread. Not really a big deal but it is kind of an irritancy when it happens every time I load into my realm. It...
Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Recipes are constantly being reset to "new"

When I open my recipe "book", there are always a large selection of "new" recipes. I regularly click "Mark all read", but sooner or later they get changed back to "new". It's been like this from the beginning, I'm surprised that I didn't see this ...
Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

Crafting recipes still showing up as new

It doesn't appear to be just at the start of a new session either; several times throughout my single session tonight all the crafting recipes were marked new after I had hit the "mark all as read" button.
Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Bugs 0 Open

guidebook thinks I haven't crafted any benches or auguments

I've just finished the gloom and hunt stes of power last night, today when playing and looking at notes section, says that i havent crafted the benches or augs before
Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Bugs 0 Open