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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2024

Puck interrupts Fabled Elder Eoten boss fight

While fighting the Fabled Elder Eoten solo in a Watch (i.e. multiplayer) vault, Puck appears. I spoke with him after defeating the boss and his monologue was about killing a Carnute for the first time, but I've never killed one (I don't even know how (I know with some sort of spell but not which one)). Not sure what triggered this nor whether it can be reproduced. Difficult to play while distracted especially in a scenario whereby I couldn't be revived (no other players or recruit).

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  • Guest
    Jul 29, 2024

    I have had this happen on two separate characters, once twice. The most recent is on a newer character of mine, and has only, thus far, happened once. Unsure what caused it, but letting people know that it is clearly still happening. Both characters in question are on single player, and, if needed to know, easy mode.

  • Guest
    Jun 12, 2024

    This one got me JUST NOW.
    I sincerely hope i didn't just lose out on a good ending.