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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 25, 2024

Can't get to bottom of some menus using controller

My original post content is below. This doesn't happen with the inventory anymore (since 0.3) but it happens with crafting menus like the enchanter's focus (excellent) and calcularian stove.

Hello. Thanks for your work on this and your brilliant ideas, but I need to report some difficulties I'm facing as a controller user. I've seen these mentioned on Discord but not really here:

  • You can't get to the bottom of your personal or container inventory with a controller. See jadeplaysgames' recent stream, as he plays with controller - you can see him having to switch to mouse for this reason between 49m:38s and 50m:04s, for example
    See jadeplaysgames' recent stream (24th or 25th April?), for example

  • When moving items between your inventory and a container, the selection will keep jumping about, usually to the top row of items in your inventory (whether you're already here or in the container's)

  • Since 0.2 there's a new bug that means the section of your inventory showing your equipped items is missing. If you want to repair an equipped item, or anything else, you can only do it via mouse. The section for controller does come back, occasionally, but I don't know how to reproduce this.

  • There doesn't seem to be a way to assign items to the 'Q' (M&K) or 'Y' (Xbox controller) slot without a mouse.

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