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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 22, 2024

spells not working

I can see the spell is on the item, but there is no button to activate said spell. I can add as spell to a new item, but the old items with said spells no longer work. Adding a new spell onto item doesnt work either...

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  • Guest
    May 23, 2024

    The spells I had put on my equipment, like on my Rugged Sickle I have "Assassin's Sight" and on my Rugged Hunting Knife I have "Regrowth." Now they are not working as they were before this last update.

  • Admin
    NWX QA
    May 23, 2024

    Thank you for the screenshot, we have escalated the information to the development team.

  • Guest
    May 23, 2024

    no "R" button to hit but there is a spell on the item. Im able to change out the spell, but it still not active/useable. If I put a spell on an item that has nvr had a spell it will wrk

  • Guest
    May 23, 2024

    The same thing is happening to me with my mining pick, the spells on my axe (recovery & quake) are working fine but the recovery spell on the pick isn't working. It shows it on the item, but there is no indicator to press "R" to activate it and if I try to press "R" it doesn't do anything. I attached a screenshot of what it shows when I hold it, as well as the item description.

  • Admin
    NWX QA
    May 22, 2024

    Hey there,

    We have tested and verified spells are still functioning in game. Current default is 'R' to activate and left-click to cast. Would you be able to post a screenshot of what you're seeing?