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Created by Guest
Created on May 27, 2024

Dying and then killing the boss for the herbarium card doesn't give the card unlock reward

I died when fighting the boss since I got knocked out the tower far away and died from the fall damage, but when I came back to kill the boss after respawning it doesn't allow you to unlock the herbarium card recipe. re logging the game doesn't even allow to interact with the mechanism to spawn the boss again.

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  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2024

    Similar thing happened to me. Swamp Abeyance realm.

    I triggered the boss, the mechanism turned Red.

    Knight showed up...I fought it to about quarter health and then got knocked out of the tower into the air, but was able to use my umbrella to fly back inside. Note this happened a few times and as long as I flew back in on the upper level it was fine.

    This time I landed on one of the lower levels. The boss health bar disappeared. As I started running up the steps again, the boss health bar appeared again and it was full, possibly indicating the boss respawned ... or recovered because I had moved too far away? :(

    Either way, my NPC recruit was still dealing with the totems right below the top level (well, she was incapacitated but they remained focused on attacking her). So as I ran by her I revived her and swung at the totems a few times.

    The knight had come down a level as well, and as I hit the totem it hit me in the back, and I went down. :O

    Luckily enough my recruit hadn't gone down yet and she revived me. But then immediately went down again herself due to the totems. I ran back up to the top floor, and the Knight followed me. I continued fighting the Knight, got knocked down a level or two a couple times again, slowly working on the Knight and the totems. Eventually was able to revive my NPC and kill off a totem so she actually stayed alive. We finished off the other totem, then the knight downed her again. I revived her, and we continued to attack the Knight on the second-from-the-top level. Finally killed it. The boss exploding knocked me down two floors below where I was, so 3 from the top now (maybe important later).

    Ran up to the top floor....the mechanism is still red. Won't turn blue. Can't interact with anything.

    Card is obviously not unlocked as it's still sealed in the mechanism.

    Combat music is still playing.

    What's interesting is my NPC ran down to where I landed where I fell when the boss exploded...and is now fixated and running around in one spot there. Is there another enemy or something?

    Anyways, I read on Steam to just go to another realm and come back later.....I copied my logs and made some screenshots.

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  • Admin
    NWX QA
    May 27, 2024

    Hi there,

    Thank for bringing this issue to our attention. To confirm:
    - have you allowed 15 or more minutes to pass since your last interaction with the mechanism?
    - if you look in your Guidebook under Crafting > Realm Cards, does the recipe for the Herbarium Card appear there?
    - if you look in your Guidebook under Building > Enchanter's Focus, does a Refined Enchanter's Focus structure appear there? The Herbarium Card recipe should be automatically granted by defeating the Herbarium boss, along with the Refined Focus which is necessary to craft it.

    If you have neither the card Recipe nor the Refined Focus schematic, and still cannot trigger the mechanism after 15 minutes since last interaction, please submit an F2 screenshot as well as submitting your Logs

    Instructions to do so are here:

    As logs can contain sensitive information please do no share them on Arise or other public forums and send them to us by submitting a Zendesk Ticket.
    You can submit a ticket by:

    1. Stay on the “How do I get my player logs?” page or

    2. Go to and on the top right hand side of the site select Submit a Request

    Thank you very much for your patience as we investigate.

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