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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 29, 2024

Hand Animation Desynchronization and Visual Oddities

First person animation desync can happen when holding two different items that have matching running animations where both hands swing back and forth while running. By this, I mean that there is a particular loop in the running animation where both arms can be swinging in tandem which looks extremely unusual/unnatural. This is most noticeable with an off-hand item like a food/grenades/potion and a hunting knife main in your main hand (empty main hand also works, just not as "weird" looking).

Another (likely) visual bug, if you have a single handed main hand item/weapon and nothing in your off-hand you will only see your right hand when running (Hunting Knife in main hand, empty off-hand). Conversely, if you have nothing in your main hand but something in your off-hand, you will see both hands (and also experience that desync animation I'm talking about).

Another visual bug, if you have an off-hand item equipped and nothing in your main hand, if you press the "Toggle Item Sheathe" button, your hands will disappear completely from the 1st person view until another item is equipped. Strangely, this does not affect punching with your fists, but it does make "blocking" while empty handed visually do nothing. I do not know if this still actually blocks damage when your hands are not visible. This does not happen if you sheathe both an off-hand and main hand item at the same time, and shows your hands like normal when sprinting/punching/blocking etc.

A side note for the desync animation bug, there's nothing "wrong" with the animation, it just doesn't seem natural. Only occurs in 1st person. Another thing to note would be I am playing on 110 FOV so these animations are way more noticeable as more of the hands are visible. Due to this FOV you can also see a bonus animation bug where if you pick up something with both hands empty and standing still, your right hand will pop-up for a moment frozen at the bottom right of your screen. You only see the fingertips but it's very odd looking.

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