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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on May 23, 2024

All previously built portals display wrong level

All the portals I had built and opened pre-patch, when choosing to re-open, all display that they are realm level 0 and at medium difficulty.
On the other side they properly show as the right realm level (in this case, 60). The portals themselves still show level 0 though.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    May 31, 2024

    Oh! Yes, that's the case for me, too! That's why I always rename my portals to biome+major-level, else I wouldn't know what level it leads to. It just shows "0" when opening the portal UI.

  • Admin
    NWX QA
    May 23, 2024

    Hey there,

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. To help the development team's investigation of this issue please send us your player logs so we can look into this further.

    Instructions to do so are here:

    As logs can contain sensitive information please do no share them on Arise or other public forums and send them to us by submitting a Zendesk Ticket.
    You can submit a ticket by:

    1. Stay on the “How do I get my player logs?” page or

    2. Go to and on the top right hand side of the site select Submit a Request

    If you are also able to, please press F2 while in-game and attach a screenshot of the overlay menu to this post so we can better understand what maybe causing the issue. Thank you!