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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Closed
Created by Guest
Created on May 23, 2024

Lag when entering or leaving a crafting station

Had been crafting this evening just fine when, upon exiting the Enchanting table the game froze for about 8 seconds. From that point on, every bench was lagging for a couple of seconds on the way in, and 7 or 8 seconds on the way out. This had happened to me in my earlier base on a couple of benches (not all of them) a month ago but it stopped happening, so I didn't report it. I have 24 footed storage boxes and at least one of each Excellent bench.

    Jul 2, 2024

    Hi everyone!

    Our development team was able to get a fix for lag when interacting with crafting stations in the last couple patches. With no new reports coming in we’re going to be closing this post as ‘patched’.

    If you’re still running into this issue or something similar, please make a new post and start upvoting it. Upvoting is the best way to ensure visibility on issues and support us in creating a more polished game experience for you and the Nightingale community

    Thank you to everyone who was able to provide us with information helping to resolve this.

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  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2024

    According to the latest patch it was fixed for me at least, don't know about anyone else.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2024

    Some Solution for this before it is patched. I have repeatedly crafted for hours without lag but it is somewhat inefficient.

    The thing to avoid is allowing the crafted item to be deposited into your inventory. Upgrades are fine with the upgrade benches and I never experienced lag allowing the item to come back into my inventory.

    I always make sure to leave the craft station before the first item is crafted and enters my inventory.

    For workbenches that require fuel, you can remove fuel and cue up crafting so that it does not start automatically.

  • Guest
    May 31, 2024

    Yeah happens to me too. It really seems like a "craft from Storage" type of thing, as limiting the storages (from 4 to 0) that you can craft from significantly reduces the freeze but it doesn't elimitate it completely.

    Funnily enough closing the game and restarting it while keeping the craft form Storage turned off seem to result in no noticable lag/freeze.

    It also happens in offline mode.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    May 27, 2024

    Same has been happening to me - Not sure if it is related to the crafting from storage, but sometimes it is present sometimes it randomly vanishes without any change to the storage chest settings.

    I did notice that it does increase significantly if I craft a large sum on things, like turning wheat into 1k seeds would absolutely wreck the menu performance when entering or leaving stations.

  • Guest
    May 27, 2024

    Same here, though for me it can often be as long as 30 seconds and once that's been triggered other workbenches also seem to lag for a time.

  • Admin
    NWX QA
    May 23, 2024

    Hey there!

    We have been investigating this issue internally. Thank you for providing logs, however - as your logs contain sensitive information about your realm and account, I have grabbed the logs to pass on and deleted the previous attachments for your safety. As this is a public forum we really recommend not posting logs on posts and to go through Zendesk to submit logs which is a more secure site.

    Thank you


When entering/exiting crafting benches game freezes for ~5-10 seconds

When I go to craft or leave a crafting bench, the game freezes for around 5-10 seconds. Happens every single time I do either action
Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Bugs 0 Closed

Game locks/lags when accessing crafting benches

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Guest 4 months ago in Legacy Nightingale Bugs 0 Closed