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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 2, 2024

Huge bug regarding building

Hi guys,

my friend and I are currently hooked by the game and love it. We were amazed how well the building snaps etc. unlike Ark. Unfortunately we found ourselves in a difficult situation regarding the build and how it works/ shows.

We've build a small base that has the size of 3x5x2(2 walls high) and also closed by upper floors (crude). No problems here, everythin snaps, everything works better than in any other game.

We wanted to expand and connected the 3x15 tp another room which is 8x11x2(2 walls high). First we couldn't fit all upper floors, since we can only connect a wall with 2 floors and then we couldn't build pillars on each side to close out the roof with floors. So there must be something that limits yours structures I assume you can build 100 buildings each 350 structures right? Thats 35000 structures, can't we reduce like the buildings to like 20 and then you would have like 7000 structures. Cause that way we are not really motivated to build at all. Especially because 8x11 doesn't seem like a huge house.

Also for some reason it only shows 95 /350, so I assume it doesn't show the second larger building we connected to the first one? My friend says you could technically build the entire realm of foundations, as long as you don't have roofs ...

I, as a player would welcome if player could build more. But I see that the game is fresh and I like the way it is in general.

Kind regards

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