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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 5, 2024

Anything with "Bound Ichor" Can Make Spice - Including Seals & Other Food - Unintended Exploit

So you can use bound ichor to craft spice, always have been able to. That's not new.
What's new is that any item that has "bound ichor" used to make it can then ALSO be used to make spice. This includes things like:
- Completed foods you previously made using bound ichor
- Dark seals (let's make spice out of granite, you guys, it'll be really tasty!) If you use granite in the seals for +melee damage, it becomes Spice (Granite). Great for your health!
- Completed foods you made using Spice (Granite) that, once again, had bound ichor as an ingredient.

Crunchy, but probably not working as intended.

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  • Guest
    Jun 5, 2024

    Uploaded that first screenshot twice by accident instead of the other ones I meant to upload, sorry!

    Don't try this at home, kids, it is NOT safe for your teeth.