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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Closed
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 7, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit BUG-I-396 Chat window pickup listing gone in unplugged mode.

Chat/Log gone after traveling through portals Merged

Everytime I travel to Respite or anykind of portals, the chat/log display is gone

There's no way to fix it in game, T doesn't work, not even logging out

The only way to fix it is reloading the game

    Jun 11, 2024


    Thank you for your continued upvotes and comments. We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another.

  • Guest
    Jun 10, 2024

    Seeing this, too.

  • Guest
    Jun 10, 2024

    This one has been bothering me too, and seems to be exacerbated based on not only time, but also with switching between mouse and controller, which is still required in some aspects. This happens in Online and Offline modes, and it doesn't matter what realm I'm entering or leaving.

  • Guest
    Jun 10, 2024

    adding notation from my own trouble shooting: I have also noted that when in a group and this happens you no longer get popups for realm invites.

  • Guest
    Jun 9, 2024

    far as i can tell, this is an overall bug (not realm/minor card specific) and seems to be timed based. if you go through a portal too quickly or back to your base too quickly, the chat bugs. havent massively tested it myself but it seems like if you spend somewhere around 30+ minutes in the current realm; it's less likely that the chat will bug out. sometimes it's been hours before loosing it, other times it's almost as soon as i join the game. feel like portal hopping too quickly is what's causing it.

  • Guest
    Jun 9, 2024

    It does impact my ability to play. It makes it difficult to tell what I'm receiving when I longpress E or receive items from quests. It requires me knowing exactly what I had in inventory, opening inventory, then compare what I think was there vs what is now there.