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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 11, 2024

some unlocked items aren't appearing in crafting tables

I have 33 augmentations, and They are all near EVERY bench. 2 things... Sometimes putting an augmentation down doesn't show the green lines to the items it augments and sometimes it does. Secondly, some items that are unlocked do not show in the tables even with an augmentation near that unlocks it (a good example is the chassepot rifle).

    Jun 11, 2024

    Hi there,
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
    33 is a lot of augments, and as no crafting bench has that many augment slots available, it is likely that your missing recipes are associated with the augments which are not linked to a bench.
    You can confirm which trait a crafting bench has received from an augment by holding down [E] and selecting the 'Inspect' option.

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