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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 13, 2024

Plant box not allowing me to add seeds

When gardening, after harvesting my crops the Plant box still says there is a seed planted and does not allow me to harvest or add more seeds, i have to completely delete the box and create a new one in order to fix the issue, it has reocccured multiple times

    Jun 20, 2024

    Hi there,
    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. If possible, please attach a screenshot or video of your process with the seed(s) and plant box.

    Additionally, if you can specify which seeds have been planted that appear to have this issue, that will assist in our investigation.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 19, 2024

    Same issue here. after harvesting they go right back to showing the seed symbol with a checkmark and it will not let me do anything with them. I let it sit untouched for a couple of days real time logging out and shutting down the PC etc.. still no luck. the only way to fix it is to destroy all the boxes and rebuild them. (3rd time it's happened in the last 6 days or so)