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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 14, 2024

Moving crafted items through portals

I had an angler's basket full of items that I tried to MOVE through a portal using the "X" menu. However, when I went through, the basket stayed behind. When I went back through, the basket was still there at the portal entrance in its semi-transparent form. When I dragged it back to the place I had originally moved it from (again using the "X" menu), I found my basket still in its original spot. IOW, I now had two baskets: the original, with all of its items inside, plus the semi-transparent, "ghost" one I was dragging. I set the ghost basket next to the real one and tried to complete it, but it wouldn't complete. I forgot to check that I had the required resources, but I'm pretty sure I did. Also, I forgot to try to REMOVE it (I was busy with other things and forgot), so I'm not sure at this moment whether I can or not. Nevertheless, I thought you should know about the duplication behavior.

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