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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Closed
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 15, 2024

Framerate at The Watch will steadily decline the more time that is spent there.

The frame rate of the game will constantly decline based on the amount of time they spend at the watch.

To Reproduce:
- From your Respite, Open the Map Menu and Select "Travel to the Watch"
- Once at the watch, allow time to elapse (approximately 10 Minutes) either by standing still, talking to NPC's, or exploring the tower. The idea is not to force the game to load a new area so do not the vaults.

After an amount of time (10 minutes approximately in my case) Players will begin to notice that the frame rate of the game will have reduced and will be in steady decline at this point eventually getting down to single digits with High End GPU's.

NOTE: returning to your respite or loading into a vault will correct this issue but allowing time to pass will result in the frame rate loss once again.

I have attached the Spec for the offline game it was tested in below.

    Jul 4, 2024

    Hey everyone!

    Our development team has recently implemented a potential fix for the framerate in the watch.

    To confirm that this fix is in action, please check that you are running the latest version of the game, 0.3.2 279607 – visible in the top center when you log in to character creation/selection. If you are still seeing this issue, please make a new comment stating the date you saw the issue.

    Thank you to everyone who was able to provide us with information helping to resolve this.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2024

    So, I ran a test just in case it's time based or movement. It's long, but that's mostly because I didn't want to skip anything. Also the drops REALLY kicked in when I was moving, not so much standing still. Will note, I often AKF in the watch when working on stuff, or if anyone needs help with runs and have never run into this before now.
    This timespan is about 40 minutes all in all, but people in the watch for the first time, buying from NPC's and doing quests will still hit this drop even 10 minutes in.

    • 12:44pm - Load into watch CPU (48%) | GPU (54%)

    • 12:47pm - Rotated camera to look off in distance at sunrise GPU (spiked at 99%, evened out 79/80%)

    • 12:53pm - Noticing slight drops in frames when I walked near the door, nothing redonk yet. 32 frames | GPU (92%)

    • 12:56pm - Opened F2 command, since gforce FPS overlay isn't responding. F2 reads 21 frames.

    • 12:59pm - Went to edge of bridge, F2 reads 14 fps, GPU (97%). Can no longer dash.

    • 1:02pm - Walked ever so slowly from above time stamp to the main hall, dropped to 11FPS, went ALL the way to the top of the staircases, sitting at 6.2 in F2 menu. GPU (bouncing 93% - 100% back and forth).

    • 1:03pm - Curious about NPC clustering, walked over to the 2 NPC's by the black wall on the top floor, 4.7 FPS GPU (88, 96, 98 100%) no key response at all anymore. Not tab, not map, can still hear footsteps and crouch.

    • 1:04pm - Heading downstairs hit 2 FPS on way to the stairs down, by the tables with plates and cups. Back up to 4 going down the stairs. Down to 3 when in Quatermains room. JK went to 2.6 while typing results.

    • 1:07pm - Hit 1FPS going down the stairs, back up to 2 at the main entry door from bridge.

    • 1:10pm - Starting move to vault doors, sitting at 1.8 at the bridge doors.

    • 1:12pm - Made it, still 1.8 FPS.

    • 1:15pm - Made way to bridge, still stayed at 1.8 FPS (is this the bottom out?) Going to try going back up the stairs again. Ping's sitting at 907.53(us-sc1),,, half way up first stairs 1.1 fps. Effecting discord typing now. GPU bouncing from 60, to 87, to 100%.

    • 1:20pm - Hit 0.777 FPS, back up to big black door and dual NPC bros. Gforce performance overlay no longer reading render latency and whatever the 99%fps means (i have fps and 99%fps on this overlay I've never used) game takes a full 2 seconds to register step.

    • 1:24pm - Rip, test ends. bottomed out a 0.5 can't move at all, no longer hear footsteps. ALT + F4 not responding, PC freezing. Ended process in steam, slow to respond still hear music, ended from task manger I had up monitoring.

      Thank you guys SOOOO much for adding return to respite from main menu! Of course keys wont respond with that low of FPS, that's just the nature of FPS drops, but it allowed this test to work wonderfully! Hope any of this helps narrow down why we're all the sudden struggling in the watch, be it time, render issues, etc.

      If screen shots are necessary I don't mind running the test again to nab them, for at least the FPS/Ping/Server info.

  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2024

    and to single digits 2 minutes later

  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2024

    same - tested this out in offline mode - fps dropped from 90 to low teens in about 14 minutes

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2024

    happens randomly, but it happens more often then not when i go up the stairs. to talk to the other NPC's at the watch

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2024

    it seemed to be after doing npc dialog speed it up but i normally start to notice around ten mins there regardless

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2024

    When I ran into this while at the Watch, lowering all my graphics settings seemed to fix it while I was there. It certainly won't look as impressive, but at least you're able to move around effectively.