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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 16, 2024

Player Spawn Points Change Based On How They Get To Other Players Realms

Basically, to make this simple in case it keeps occurring, over a bit of testing, I had assumed spawn points in realms were at fixed points. But today, we realized what we all just assumed was a game mechanic, might actually be a bug.

Short back story:
When making the first Abeyance realm (forest). My teammate spawned at the portal, invited me. I was on the other side of the map. I place a cairn, never looked back.

When I travel to people's realms, yet again I'm put somewhere random, never near their portals, so much so, that I had assumed this was just a game mechanic. Some players have even just built in said location to avoid their friends having to run far to get to them. I always looked past it. I spawn at portals in my own realms, so I really just never thought about it.

The Bug:
When a player(A) is invited to a respite realm by another player (B) via the "invite to realm", player A will be put somewhere random on the map, usually at least 500m away, in a cardinal direction.
If player B gives player A an estate card, player A will spawn at player B's portal, as I assume is intended.
This was the test we did today, another user, who was helping me test, has a different story.

Will edit results of other test to manipulate spawn points of people invited when they've been gotten.
My attempt to copy their story didn't work for my realm.

I have provided an image below of a marker where people spawn(south) if invited, in retrospect of my portal (north).

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  • Guest
    Jun 26, 2024

    With Zephyr point changes, now noticing that Respite Point changes to the "invite spot", and it is relayed on the map. Recreating the Estate Cairn resets the Respite Point back to its location, but this fix is temporary. Destroying and recreating the Zephyr's is also interesting - the starting number is always 3, but I only have those two Zephyr's active.

  • Guest
    Jun 17, 2024

    I had a visitor come to my abeyance via invite, and was spawned just outside a Site of Power - specifically where I had placed a Zephyr (pre 0.2). One thing to note is that I had died while attempting the SoP and respawned at that point, so it's possible that it became a "default" for the realm somehow.