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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 22, 2024

wolfs got into the house, recruit fought them and destroyed half the house

wolfs got into the house, my recruit fought them and in the process destroyed a good portion of the house along with tables and storage box4es filled with materials. when the fight was over i proceeded to gather up all the pieces and i'm noticing a crap load of stuff is missing. is their any way u can turn back my realm say 24 hrs so i won't be missing so much materials

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  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2024

    I actually just had something similar happen. Mine wasn't nearly as destructive as yours, but:

    1. Survivor follower was set to Not Allow on attack.

    2. Survivor has repairing hammer equipped to stop that from happening.

    3. Cairn is placed at front of house, but mobs still seem to spawn around it.

    4. I recently built a log barricade fence around my house. I heard a ruckus outside and stepped out to find a pair of wolves munching through my fence. I picked up the scrap pieces and went to put them in my chest I had on my back porch, only to find THE CHEST WAS GONE. The wolves ate it, and most of the supplies as well. My survivor had only managed to pick up a few bundles of logs and lumber...or maybe that was just the mats from the box and fence.