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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 23, 2024

Game looses all focus

During game play I will occasionally loose focus on the game and the mouse curser appears. There is no way to gain back control of the game and I have to force close the game and restart in order to continue. This has happened 5 times today alone.

I am usually pressing "R" to cast an enchantment or I have just placed down a bed or an item. Suddenly, I am moving the mouse curser over the game and I no longer have control.

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  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2024

    I just went through the portal and pressed the R key in order to cast an enchantment. I lost focus on the game but noticed that the chat log was different, after pressing on the chat log button I was able to regain focus on the game. There seems to be something related to the chat log.

  • Guest
    Jun 23, 2024

    This just happened again. It happened while in my Abeyance Forest realm waiting for the Portal to open. I pressed the "R" button to reload my rifle and the mouse cursor appeared and I lost focus to the game. I was unable to regain control of the game and had to force close it.