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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2024

Moving chest, long distance, results in chest's inventory to not update, current.

Generalized Steps taken to reproduce bug.

  1. In the abeyance realm the user created another, x distance away, base.

  2. Placed a new respite. Deleted the old respite.

  3. Then the user built the base(296/300, the amount doesn't seem to make a difference).

  4. Next the user moved all their chests across the map.
    Placed them down when they hit their limit distance then moved them, again until the next barrier. They load instantly and without an issue until they enter the new home.

  5. When the chest enters the home, even outside the respite line & inside the house(part of the house is outside of the respite circle), they do not load in.

  6. HOWEVER once the user walks out of their base, a short distance, the chests move.

  7. This pattern continues as the user moves chests further into their house.

  8. The user needs to walk out, and from, the house at a small distance. This results the chest to move to their new placement.

  9. I've noticed this with furniture as well.

  10. Below is a direct correlated issue after the move into the house...

  11. This issue consistently applies to the boxes inventory, after they are moved into the house.
    These chest inventories move the items into the user inventory (mostly) however the icon and stack number stays in the chest inventory.
    When deconstructing the box, full or not, it will drop the items, and remove itself.
    The user moved some items from the bugged chest then destroyed the chest after removing some items, without walking away to update the change.
    The box dropped its items and the box did not duplicate items.

  12. The chat box updates the item transitions.

  13. The user walks outside x distance and the chest fixes itself.
    This, also, applies to putting items into a bugged chest BUT not a newly built chest.

  14. However this chest stays bugged and has the same updating issues regardless of inputs and outputs.

    The solution the user found is to make a new chest. The new chests do not display this issue and work without any seen discrepancy.

    Thank you,

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