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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 24, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit BUG-I-34 Offline Mode: Respawn Failed.

Died while climbing Merged

i was climbing the mountain when my character slipped at a ledge, fell 1 meter and instantly died. and my companion cant reach me to revive me... when i pressed "give up" im stuck in respawning loading screen.

    Jul 18, 2024


    We're still looking into this but for trackability and to increase post traction, we'll be merging this post into another post about the same issue.

    Thank you!

  • Guest
    Jun 24, 2024

    UPDATE: i pressed logout and entered my world again and suddenly i was alive again where i died but with very little health. climbed again and was stuck mid air. logged out and in again and i was free.