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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 6, 2024

Respite Point doesn't stay moved

I have tried to relocate my respite a number of times to a more scenic view in my abeyance realm (just up the hill from the original location). I have rebuilt my estate Cairn and it will relocate the respite location, but only while in the realm. When I leave and return, I get put back in the middle of the open field where my respite originally started. I have no buildings or anything there so I am not sure why it keeps resetting to that location.

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  • Guest
    Jul 13, 2024

    I had a faerie ring beside my house, to keep wolves from spawning lol. I removed it after the update, when those were changed to zephyr points. My respite now resets to that point, even after destroying my cairn and remaking it. The zephyr point is long gone and destroyed. I still teleport there when I say teleport to respite. I have tried to set my respite back to its original place in my house multiple times. It always resets to that former faerie ring location after logout.

    I can only assume something about the code that changed faerie rings to zephyr points mixed up "nearest point" and "respite" when it updated.

    I have one cairn in my world iirc, and four zephyr points, none of which are on that spot.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jul 13, 2024

    I also have this issue, after not playing for about a month. When I log in, my respite point is half way across my abeyance from my estate cairn. I am standing next to my estate cairn in this screenshot.

    As the person below, I have:

    • Removed my active Estate and replaced it with a new one

    • Added a second Estate and tried that as my respite point

    • Logged out and logged in

    • Logged out and restarted the game

    • Restarted my computer.

  • Guest
    Jul 8, 2024

    i'm also having this issue. it gets moved about 1200 meters across the map where there isn't an estate cairn , so the best i can do to return is to go back through the portal i came in from. I've tried the following:

    remove current Estate and replace with new
    add a second Estate and try that as my point
    logging out and logging in
    Logging out and restarting the game
    restarting PC

    none of these immediate fixes seem to work for me but maybe they could for you! at least until there's a patch to fix this bug. good luck in your travels!