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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 9, 2024

Minor realm card environment effects not working properly

I have recently begun playing in offline mode after playing in online mode some months ago. I have just reached the point where I make extensive use of minor realm cards. I have noticed that the environmental effects of using these cards is erratic. For instance, I used an industry card and the proper (ugly) effect of smog was present, but when I changed the card to the feast card the smog didn't clear and the season effect didn't change from autumn to spring. I then used a cleansing card to reset the realm and still it is smoggy autumn. I have not yet tested whether logging out and back in helps with this issue.

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  • Guest
    Jul 10, 2024

    Happened to me in my Abeyance realm. Desert and played Tempest, but when I cleared it the sky was still dark. Never did go back to normal despite playing multiple cards thereafter.

  • Guest
    Jul 9, 2024

    Since I last posted I have logged out and back in twice and tried using other cards to clear the environmental effects in my abeyance realm. It hasn't worked. It doesn't otherwise affect my gameplay but it is ugly and off-putting. This worked flawlessly on the online server a couple of months ago, so this is a recent problem.