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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 24, 2024

Minor Materials Bugs

Some minor materials bugs -

  1. Schist has gone back to giving block efficiency (0.0%) instead of injury resist

  2. Bound drop the old type of Lacunus (not tier labelled and not renamed Lacunis)

  3. They do drop the correct tiered & renamed blades though, its just the ingots. All other bound materials seem ok - though bound bristle and ichor aren't given tier labels.

  4. Pellucidic etched ingots don't have tier labels.

  5. When using either one of the two cards that increase bound drops (can't remember which) I got 2 Advanced Lacunus Blades (i.e not tier labelled, unlike T3 Lacunis Blades I also got) that does 55% melee damage, and 17.5% mal resist. I seem to remember bound sometimes dropped Gilded Blades - is it possible that the Gilded Blade has been relabelled as Blade instead, causing this exceptional item?

Thanks for your work, it's appreciated!

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