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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 14, 2024

Taliesin Quest Line Several Issues

I am still experiencing issues with this quest despite the recent patches. I have so far collected all 5 journals as according to the quest. However I have only been given the opportunity to solve riddle 2. He does not think I have found the rest of the journals.

Heres what I observed with the quest updates. Upon entering a hard difficulty forest astrolabe realm I spoke to the NPC and requested clues for all 5 journal locations. I then could see down the left hand side what challenges I was in need of completing. I could locate on the map all the location apart from the arena so I began to pursue completing them. I recieved three out of the 5 journals in that process before I encountered another bug that forced me to leave the map entirely. Ill explain that in a second but before that I could see that the challenges updated to show that I completed 2/2 or 1/1 etc. of the locations I recieved journals from, however they did not disapear from the menu. It also said go and solve riddle 2 as a new challenge. The only challenge left was the arena which still showed as 0/1 and one other that i dont recall.

Now this other bug I ran into, which might deserve its own post but we will see if I run into it again. Essentially I was getting tired so i needed to build a shelter and rest. I began to collect sticks and fibre using my sythe. However every stick I collected did not give me a stick instead it gave me either hide or bones as if I had killed an animal. Now I had killed a couple deer creatures a short time earlier with my sythe so maybe that bugged something out. But alas without the ability to collect sticks and build a shelter I had to fast travel back to my respite to sleep. I ended the game there and came back the next day to try and complete the quest, where I ran into more oddities.

This time I reset the realm and entered into an extreme difficulty one to see if an arena would pop up. To my luck it did. However, before doing this I had noticed that all the quests except for journal 2 had been reset to 0/1 or 0/2 or 0/3 etc. upon starting up the game. When I arrived I spoke to the NPC and completed riddle two. But despite having two other journals collected he did not register that I had collected them. I set out to get the two I had missed. I did this including the arena so I now had all 5. I observed the numbers increasing again for those particular locations showing that I had completed 1/2 etc. But despite the fact that I already had the journals for those locations they did not update any further. I also observed that the arena quest updated to show 0/2 after I completed it. Where as before it said 0/1. And the NPC still doesnt recognise that I have them so I am stuck and cannot complete the quest.

So thats the steps and insights I can remember, hopfully its enough to squash this once and for all. :D

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  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2024

    Interesting that you were getting animal parts from gathering sticks, since I used a "Trickster" card in the realm modifier thingy on this same exact map and I believe that was what caused goofy drops to occur.

    But it says you didn't play any minor realm cards so...dunno what that's about. :O

    I've had some bugs with this questline too, though it seems like the poems pop up at weird times while completing stuff. (As in the quest notifications and the poems from Taliesin don't seem to sync up.)

    I was going to make a bug entry for the arenas don't seem to pop up on the map, but maybe they only happen at higher difficulties?

    Other arena-related bugs:

    • Had notice for it on my Abeyance Realm, which seemed to need a gear-check to enter properly. No icon for this. Also, my follower was freaking out trying to find something that was attacking us, but seemed to be invisible or stuck in a wall.

    • For Taliesin quest, had the poem show up after doing a Fae Portal, but did not complete an arena, and the quest says I still have 2 arenas left to complete.