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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on May 24, 2024

possible crouch bug regarding the player camera

Hi, I love the new update, the offline mode has made the game a lot easier to play due to my internet not being that great.

However, I believe that there may be something going on with the crouching in the game, I have started a new playthrough offline and I have noticed that the player camera does not follow the crouching mechanics correctly.

for example, when crouch is enabled, the camera raises slightly as if I have deactivated crouch, and the camera slightly lowers to the same degree when crouch is disabled.

The crouch still affects movement as intended, its mainly to do with the player camera, as i have also noticed that all the NPC's look much taller, the doorways and roofing look further than normal, and my character feels much closer to the ground than normal also.

i am unsure if this has affected any other players, but hopefully this helps.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Sep 8, 2024

    It appears to be random, but this bug definitely does still exist. The crouch animation does play, however the camera angle does not reset

  • Guest
    May 31, 2024

    Playing offline as well, I've noticed this bug happen now and then too.

    Still unclear what triggers it but it seems to happen when I'm messing around with movement (trying to mantle over stuff or squeeze into a space like during Agility bastilles).

    The crouch works as it should mechanically (walk slower, stealth and collision are fine), but the camera just does a little bob up and down whenever I press button yet remains otherwise unchanged.

    Going into the inventory displays the correct crouched stance and changing realms/restarting the game solves it until I trigger it again somehow.

  • Guest
    May 27, 2024

    Hello, I'm playing online with a friend who doessn't have the bug, but I do as well.