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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 8, 2024

Getting Wallbanged by a Gremlin

I am very new to this game, just finished the tutorial, and was told to find a place to call home. After exploring awhile, I find a cool looking outpost thing built into a giant skull. My first thought is "I want to live here, but there are definitely enemies nearby." Lo and behold, I was right. Sort of.

There is a single guy stuck beneath the entire structure, locked behind a red gate that I'm assuming keeps out lower leveled players. I tried sniping the guy through it to no avail, which makes total sense. However, what brought me to try in the first place was the fact that within a 20 foot radius of the giant skull, this lanky gremlin can throw a red projectile through the terrain and two-three shot my character.

I continued to build my base atop his prison. I thought it was funny to have a forced roommate who tried to kill me every now and then, stuck beneath my new apartment that I didn't need to spend any time or materials on building. The frequency of the assassination attempts ebbed and flowed until I found a trick to avoid his shots. After which, radio silence from my basement buddy.

Turns out, I found nothing. Twas he who was doing the finding, as after 10 minutes of the guy suddenly being able to hit me no matter where I was around the place, he finally takes me down. One last warning before his gloves came off. I respawned and tried to go about my business; do some crafting, cooking, etc. when I turn a corner and see a gangly freak with scimitars staring me in the eye. I'm dead before I knew what hit me.

My captive roommate escaped captivity, and went to solve his domestic woes in person. Thankfully, I had the advantage. I respawned time after time, pelting him with marbles while my poor companion from a nearby camp watched on in horror, unable or unwilling to lift a finger while the sanctity of our home was violated by the gremlin invader.

After a time, the ghoul lay defeated at my feet. It has only been roughly 15 minutes since, but he has yet to answer his front door or pelt me with his foul magicks (one of his favorite activities). I assume my troubles are over, but only after the developers let a convicted felon escape imprisonment and strike once again. This is the last time I support private prisons.

In addition to the escaped gremlin, the pathing of both he and my NPC companion is utterly busted surrounding the skull structure that I built my base in. This was a major nuisance in the battle for my house and home, as I had zero back-up from my new best friend Estella, but was also a major boon, as the gremlin was easy to cheese, constantly getting stuck (and destroying three of my crafting benches in the process).

In any case, so long as he doesn't respawn, my home is safe and sound. And once my gear level is high enough, I look forward to a spacious cellar

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