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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on May 30, 2024

Add scroll-wheel & number entry to item selection from containers

Would it be possible to include both of the following in the UI for selecting items to/from inventory & containers?

1) Scroll-wheel support to increment/decrement the count;

2) Ability to type in a number to select.

The use of the cursor keys is appreciated but additional modes of entry would be appreciated.

Further refinements could include a qualifier key to auto select one item to transfer or all-but-one item to transfer.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jun 18, 2024

    Oh, I searched but didn't see this post until after making a similar request. Agree, I have some stacks that are in the hundreds or thousands of items, and the only way to get a specific small number of items from that stack is to move slider all the way to left and then arrow keys to the desired amount, which is a lot of extra clicks instead of just typing in the amount.