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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 30, 2024

Large Plant box options

This is similar to the mass plant box request, seeks the same thing - to minimize the drudgery and grind for farming. Thinking this may be easier to manage from a coding/development perspective. Suggest adding to the game different size plant boxes that would act as multiple boxes. These would essentially look like larger plant boxes but take up the same space as multiple boxes. Perhaps consider the single box the very small. have a small box that holds 4 plants, a medium box that holds 9, a large box that holds 16, an extra large box that holds 25 a huge box that holds 36, a giant box that holds 49, and an "Acre" box that holds 144. These could be of course any shape and size you would like but the suggested examples would follow a 2x2, 3x3 etc grid pattern up to a 12 x 12. You could make the time for planting, watering and or harvesting them take longer than for a single box if you are concerned about balance, but this would be indescribably better than the horrible tedium of just moving through the endless rows of boxes hitting this or that key.... Hoping that by making them distinct boxes, this will be easier as you just interact with one box and thus don't have to come up with complex coding for how to make different selections of multiple boxes, etc... Of course you could have other shapes like 2 x 5, 2 x 10, etc. Thanks so much for your game and how you are taking care of it and our community!

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  • Guest
    Jun 28, 2024

    Honestly, the box planter should house 4 plants per box. I do not understand why it is not multi-use already, but it be what it be.
    I don't think we need bigger boxes, I think the box we already have should just be 2x2 and the pots remain single use.

    It would make the 4x4 cost, which is the highest resource for planters in the game, make more sense.