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Created by Guest
Created on May 30, 2024

Voice Acting Critique Aurelio

I found the voice acting very immersion breaking. Source: I've been married into a native Spanish speaking extended family for almost 4 decades now, and am a native English speaker. The actor sounded like he could speak both languages well, but was intentionally mangling the English. And mangling it randomly and unevenly in ways I've never heard a learning or bilingual relative or friend of relative do.

I suspect it was the direction. Further, if the character really were a very educated person and an expert in some subject in that era he would not be speaking poorly in the second language at all. The older, educated relatives would stay in Spanish with strangers until the English was excellent. That was better than seeming less than highly uneducated in the other language.

I had a relative listen (native Spanish speaker, highly educated) and he agreed. The English is "too perfect". So then he appears to be faking the accent on any words pronounced oddly, which causes immersion breaking and also seems out of character.

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  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2024

    I came here for this reason, i was trying to skip all i could just so he would stop talking. The amount of mispronounced words were horrible to listen to. I hope they will get a new voice actor for him.