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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 2, 2024

non-knife crit damage is way too weak / waste of stat

critical damage on non-knife wapons is way too weak
base critical damage stat on non-knife weapons should go higher with item tier
crafting components with critical damage stat give too little (almost none) critical damage on non-knife

fully built and upgraded 255/T5 non-knife cant even reach 2.5 crit damage even with full crit materials, meanwhile 211/T4 knife with zero crit materials gets double the crit damge than purpose built 255/T5 while at the same time knifes already have guaranteed way to get crits with backstabs while non-knifes have to rely on head/weakspot hits only

i understand that knifes are supposed to be crit oriented but that shouldnt mean that crit on any other weapon should be wasted stat, please make crit damage on non-knife weapons viable by rising the base crit damage of all weapons to/above 2.0 value, knifes should have advantage on crit but not exclusivity

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