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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 3, 2024

Soft/Hard Caps Punishes Players Who Want Focused Builds

Part of what I loved about Nightingale is the complexity of its crafting system. After the 0.3 update, I logged in to find that things that I had built, completely within the intended crafting methods, were being soft-capped. I didn't use any folding method to make the stats of the materials excessive. I simply crafted with a single stat in mind for the item I was crafting. I don't even have all the best materials yet, and I see no reason to seek them out if I already have the stats limited. If I want to make a glass cannon build, I should be allowed to craft that; if I want a tank build, I should be allowed to have that. In the game's current state, being good at crafting punishes players who want a focused build. If I am trying to play in a team and build a good comp I don't want everyone to have generally good stats. I want some folks that are tanks and others that are damage dealers.

If this is an issue for multiplayer, put equipment limitations on the Jana portals and offer varying difficulties that allow those folks with extremely powerful equipment to flex their strength. Soft/hard caps forces players to build their equipment towards a certain playstyle, which contrasts and limits crafting flexibility.

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