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Created on Jun 3, 2024

Fibres are not competitive with Animal Fibres - Community Theorycraft Project

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is part of the Community Theorycraft Project. Something where multiple members of the community gather together, and discuss existing and potential new additions to the different elements of this wonderful game. Things we'd like to see, we'd like to change, and ways to go about doing so.

This particular post is in regards to Fibres. It takes a look at the existing fibres, some of the old fibres that lost statistics, and proposes a handful of new ones.
It adds several new statistics, such as increased damage to different damage types like Fire and Poison, Comfort Level (from resting), and even a way to increase Realm Power.
It includes a handful of new Points of Interest resources, a potential new questline, and changes to some existing creatures to bring them into line with some of the proposed changes.

Our hope is that these kinds of changes bring the use of actual Fibres to being competitive with Animal Fibres for use in crafting clothing, as actual Fibres should be.
At several points, we gave some explanations for our choices, to give a clearer view as to our thought processes with some of these elements.

And, as always, we would like to thank you for your time and continued development of this wonderful game we all love.

Desert Fibres

Attributes Become:

T1 – 5 Maximum Stamina | 20% Fire Damage
T2 – 10 Maximum Stamina | 17.5% Fire Damage
T3 – 15 Maximum Stamina | 15% Fire Damage
T4 – 20 Maximum Stamina | 12.5% Fire Damage
T5 – 25 Maximum Stamina | 10% Fire Damage

Forest Fibres

Attributes Become:

T1 – 5 Maximum Health | 20% Lightning Damage
T2 – 10 Maximum Health | 17.5% Lightning Damage
T3 – 15 Maximum Health | 15% Lightning Damage
T4 – 20 Maximum Health | 12.5% Lightning Damage
T5 – 25 Maximum Health | 10% Lightning Damage

Swamp Fibres

Attributes Become:

T1 – 5 Health Regen (/m) | .5 Stamina Regen (/s) | 20% Poison Damage
T2 – 10 Health Regen (/m) | 1 Stamina Regen (/s) | 17.5% Poison Damage
T3 – 15 Health Regen (/m) | 1.5 Stamina Regen (/s) | 15% Poison Damage
T4 – 20 Health Regen (/m) | 2 Stamina Regen (/s) | 12.5% Poison Damage
T5 – 25 Health Regen (/m) | 2.5 Stamina Regen (/s) | 10% Poison Damage

Notes: This was an idea we had to provide an element of reverse scaling, with a goal of trying to provide a use for -all- tiers of the Biome fibres, to some extent. Meaning that at either end of the spectrum of each fibre, a particular use is accentuated, whilst the middle tier’s promote a balance, giving the players a significantly larger choice of use and balance than just “go with the highest one”, because now, you can scale what you want to balance against.


Rename -all- Plant Fibre (Crude) to Grass. That is basically what it is anyway. No stats, nothing special. Just, call it Grass.


Rarity: Common
Biome: Forests
Major Card: All (excl. Vault)
Location: Underwater
Growable: No


+1.5% Swimming Speed (faster movement when swimming)
+20 Maximum Stamina


Rarity: Uncommon
Biome: Forest
Major Card: Herbarium Ascended
Location: Large Field POI (wild growth)
Major Card: Provisioner Ascended
Location: Large Field POI (remnant, NTTC equipment nearby field)
Major Card: All Other Ascended (excl. Gloom & Vault)
Location: Straggler poi’s, similar to Wheat, Tomatoes, etc.
Growable: Yes, Forest Only


+1% Movement Speed
+15 Durability
+1 Comfort Level


Rarity: Uncommon
Biome: Desert
Major Card: All Ascended Only, (excl. Vault)
Location: Nearby Water
Growable: Yes, Desert Only


+15 Magick
+10% Environmental Resistance
+15 Realm Power

Add Realm Power to these Ores, in addition to their existing statistics:

Copper – Realm Power +5
Silver – Realm Power +10
Gold – Realm Power +15
Platinum – Realm Power +20


Rarity: Common
Biome: Swamp
Major Card: Provisioner
Location: Large POI, machinery around field, overgrown and unkempt, easy harvest.
Major Card: All Other Non-Ascended (excl. Vault)
Location: Random small POI
Growable: Yes, Swamp Only


+15 Maximum Health
+10% Maleficiate Resistance
+10 Realm Power

Notes: For the above couple fibres, and suggesting Ores, to have a Realm Power value, is potentially a dramatic choice. The idea for the fibres is to be used for Coatings, and for the ores when crafting Inks and Foils, allowing interesting combinations when crafting Realm Cards.
It allows scaling of the Realm above the 220 value for late game, and for earlier realm combinations to reach T2 and T3 creature levels at different intervals. Using a combination of these to reach 250+ Realm power, it opens the possibility of Tier 4 Creatures, since the previous tier increase was at 150ish to T3. This opens the capability for much more difficult creature encounters for the late game, but also stronger materials.
Whilst we'd like to suggest putting T4 creatures on the table, we understand that this would be a -significant- undertaking, and to us, beyond the scope of this CTP focused on Fibres. As such, this statistic could be added at a later time, or simply allowing us to raise the difficulty higher for an even greater challenge using the existing T3 creatures.


Rarity: Uncommon
Biome: Swamp
Major Card: All Non-Ascended (excl. Vault)
Location: Caves, grows along the sides inside/outside.
Growable: Yes, Only in Swamps, planters must be submerged / in water


+10 Maximum Stamina
+2.5% Melee Attack Speed


Rarity: Common
Biome: Forest
Major Card: All Non-ascended (excl. Vault)
Location: Along Riverbanks & Lake Edges
Growable: Yes, Forest Only


+10 Durability
+20 Weight Limit
+5% Injury Resistance


Rarity: Rare
Biome: Desert
Major Card: Herbarium
Location: Large POI – Underground Grotto’s (ones with water)
Growable: Yes – Desert Only


+10% Critical Damage

Widow’s Silk

Rarity: Rare
Biome: Swamp
Major Card: Astrolabe & Hunt, Normal & Ascended
Location: 230 POI – Widower Spider Web Nest. Break cocoons to retrieve the silk. Lots of tiny spiders running around.
Colour as Clothing: Deep Shiny Emerald Green


+15% Poison Damage
+15% Ranged Damage
+10% Poison Resistance
+1 Comfort Level

Weaver’s Silk

Rarity: Rare
Biome: Forest
Major Card: Astrolabe & Hunt, Normal & Ascended
Location: 230 POI – Death Weaver Spider Web Nest. Break cocoons to retrieve the silk. Lots of tiny spiders running around.
Colour As Clothing: Deep Shiny Purple


+60% Stealth
+15% Melee Damage
+15% Poison Damage
+1 Comfort Level

Gossamer Strands

Rarity: Very Rare
Biome: Swamp
Major Card: Antiquarian, Astrolabe, Herbarium, Hunt
Location: POI Site
Counts As: Plant Fibre
Colour As Clothing: Golden metallic look.

POI Description:

A very wide large trunk tree, with a hollowed-out region at the base, where sits an altar carved from its wood. Intricate carvings upon the altar itself. Around this POI resource site spawns several Wisps, which travel to and from the altar, allowing players to track the wisps and locate the POI.
To acquire the resource, players must submit an offering to the Altar. Once the offering is made, the hollow seals over, and cannot be re-used.

The offering is an Eoten Heart + Eoten Heart Blossom + Eoten Heart Seed.
Once the offering is made the wisps gather and dissipate at the altar, which now glows (clickable to collect the Gossamer Strands). Once collected, the hollow seals shut.

As soon as the wisps dissipate, a pod of Eoten Saplings emerge from the ground, and now roam the map.

Thematically, this gives an interesting way for players to non-violently contribute to the growth of the realm. The wisps passively gather magick from the realm, slowly feeding it to the altar, and giving them the combination of Eoten Heart materials is like giving a battery that jumpstarts the process.
It’s possible that this is specifically used to make the Eoten Saplings, but it’s also just as possible that the wisps becoming saplings is just a by-product of the process, and not the goal.
More depth could be given to this, and we've suggested a possible Quest hook below in relation to uncovering this process and guide players on the 'How To' element.


+15 Magick Power
+15% Melee Damage
+15% Ranged Damage
+10% Injury Resistance

Notes: This Fibre is intended to fill the gap of a “Hybrid” playstyle material. At the moment, we currently have every single material in the game focused on a single style, Magick, Melee, or Ranged.
This material, whilst not having the highest stat in any single type, applies average – above average stats to all the key playstyle types, to promote more hybrid play. It draws from the 3 component offering materials, the Saplings for Magick, the Fabled Elder Eoten Hearts for Ranged, and the Fabled Sere Eoten Blossoms for Melee (see below for the Sapling and Sere Eoten changes this references).

Potential Quest:

Evolution of the Eotens

Main Quest NPC: Charles Darwin – Swamp Herbarium Ascended

Players are directed toward recent evidence of a notable explorer and naturalist named Charles Darwin being sighted within the Realms. Thought lost decades ago, Charles travelled into the realms to study the evolution of the different Fae creatures, settling a great deal of interest on the Eotens, the animate and seemingly sentient trees.

Surviving hidden away in a realm after his exploration was beset with woe, Charlies and the remainder set up shelter atop one of the realms floating remnants, only descending to scavenge provisions and attempt to survive, making continual notes on the different creatures, focusing heavily on the Eoten Saplings, and noticing reference of a particular Point of Interest (See Gossamer Strands above).

Upon being discovered, Charles is overjoyed to be rescued, and then intensely saddened at the news of the Pale. His hopes lost, all that is left is his work. He offers a theory, something that could potentially yield great reward, in return for supplies, and some Realm Cards to allow him to escape his stranding and rejoin the remnants of Humanity.
Upon locating the Gossamer Strands POI, Charles assists the player in discerning the purpose for the Altar, and the player can assist by providing insight into the acquisition of the Eoten Heart, which causes sudden crystallisation of his theory that the Eotens can be reasoned with.

Subsequently he then directs the player to retrieve the different components for the ritual, an Eoten Heart, an Eoten Heart Blossom, and an Eoten Heart Seed. Bringing each part allows Charles to discuss his passion, the evolution of the creatures of the Realms, and his love and fascination of them. How he wishes others would treat with them as kindly as he views them.

Potential Quest Rewards:

Book Recipe (Paper + Ink + Coating)
A copy of Darwin’s Theories in written form, decorative object (shelf of books)
Book Placeable – Single
Book Placeable – Shelf
Crude Creature Lure Recipe (
A thematic Augment of some variety?

Creature Loot Change:

Eoten Saplings

Change the loot they drop to the following:

Eoten Sapling Fibre

Counts As: Plant Fibre

T1 / T2 / T3 Attributes:

+ 1 / +1.5 / +2 Stamina Regen/sec
+10 / +15 / +20 Magick Power

Fabled T1 / T2 / T3 Attributes: (Random Drop)

+ 1 / +1.5 / +2 Stamina Regen/sec
+10 / +15 / +20 Magick Power
+2.5% / +5% / +7.5% Critical Damage

Eoten Heart Seed

Counts As: Seed (Give it a unique picture similar to the Eoten Hearts)

Text should separate it from normal Seeds, as well.
Eoten Heart Seeds can be made into an Oil.
They are basically small Eoten Hearts.
In addition, a method to obtain this item from the Saplings without requiring to kill them should also be implemented, as more ways to deal with the wild life of the Realms passively, the better :)

T1 / T2 / T3 Attributes:

+ 1 / +1.5 / +2 Stamina Regen/sec
+10 / +15 / +20 Magick Power

Fabled T1 / T2 / T3 Attributes: (Random Drop)

+ 1 / +1.5 / +2 Stamina Regen/sec
+10 / +15 / +20 Magick Power
+2.5% / +5% / +7.5% Critical Damage

Sere Eotens

We propose changing the Sere Eoten’s stats progression, loot wise, from what it is to the following:

T1 / T2 / T3 Attributes:

+10 / +15 / +20 Maximum Stamina
0.5% / 0.8% / 1% Movement Speed

Fabled T1 / T2 / T3 Attributes:

+15 / +20 / +25 Maximum Stamina
+10% / +15% / +20% Melee Damage
+0.8% / +1% / +1.2% Movement Speed

In addition, we propose a change to the Sere Eoten; currently, the Sere will randomly drop a handful of Sticks periodically. We propose changing it to dropping the following item instead, to promote the idea of non-violent item collection. This Blossom would also be able to be acquired by killing the Sere Eoten, similar as to how the Holt Eoten and Elder Eoten hearts can be acquired, either by neutrality or violence.

Eoten Heart Blossom

Counts As: Flower

Same stat progression as listed above.

Basically, this is the germination stage of the Eoten Heart Seed, as it blossoms and grows into becoming the Eoten Heart of the Holt and Elder Eotens.

Holt Eoten & Elder Eotens

We propose a change to the Eoten Heart item which drops from these creatures. The text of this item implies this item can be used as food, and likens it to fruit. As such, we request that this item be actually treated as Fruit, in all the same ways normal fruit can be.

With the above changes to all the various Eoten creatures, we now have a versatility of items and uses. Woods, Fibres, Flower, Fruit, and seed. All things natural, and adding a great deal of versatility to the materials within the Realms.


Iceheart, Kahz, Phylon, Shrike

    Jun 4, 2024

    Hey there! Thanks so much for your post. I have edited the post title so we can better identify it but if you feel we have changed the meaning, please feel free to edit it. - Steph

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  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2024

    This is pretty good, this would be really nice.

    I have to hard disagree though on where Hemp grows, that would be forest. Swamp is just not possible, to quote:
    "Hemp is hard to grow, it has high nutrient and water demands and is a labor-intensive crop. It prefers moist but not saturated soils with high levels of aeration and no other method of irrigation can deliver minimal amounts of water with the needed nutrients without driving out beneficial soil aeration." :P

    I also want to offer a feedback on Darwin's quest; Darwin was an avid collector sent on a boat trip to gather samples, the whole evolution thing just came about as a byproduct when he noticed small changes on different islands. So instead of "Charles travelled into the realms to study the evolution of the different Fae creatures, " he would just study the different Fae creatures, that's what his passion would be.

    And I think you could also make an argument for silk always giving bonus to stealth since it's such a smooth and sneaky fabric.

    Devs please make it so, the unique way in which Nightingale displays the composition of gear begs for a wide plethora of choices for said composition, which is only possible while there are many viable choices to pick from. This means not having 1 or 2 prime material per type, but more of a multitude. Make it a difficult choice instead of a "guess I'll need to grind Grendel druid & Carnute for a few days" if you want magic gear for example

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2024

    I'd typed this exact idea out which you've covered so much better :)

    Still playing almost 300 hours in now but this would inspire another craftathon.

    Thanks for this and all the guides, Khaz! I really appreciate it.