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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 6, 2024

Downvote Option

Greetings Devpeoples,

This post is to request that there be implemented an option to downvote posts upon this forum. As current, the three elements that apply to different posts of feedback are to upvote, or ignore them, or type a written reply
However, this does not provide a truly accurate reception of ideas and views. Many people who view a suggestion as a negative will simply skip past it, and not use the comments to provide a negative response.
This means a suggestion that has +15 from positive votes, could have a potential -100 from negative votes, but since there is no way to present the negative reception a change could receive, or whether it could harm the games growth and enjoyment from the community, all that is seen is the positive votes.
Because of this, the potential exists that should there be implementation of such changes, that it will irreparably harm the game and/or its community.

Without an ability to weigh both the pro's -and- con's of a particular post, it becomes impossible to judge whether any suggestion will be an actual benefit to the game as a whole.

The implementation of such a tool is one that can be as simple as an upvote / downvote button, it could have a requirement to post or select a downvote reason (such as from a short dropdown list, which would be my preferred choice), require the person to be logged in and not a guest, etc.

But it is imperative that such an option be implemented, so that you gain the fullest amount of information about whether any suggestion on this forum is actually desired and will be well received by the community as a whole.

It should also be said that it is quite ironic that no one can downvote the request for a downvote button.

Edit: My ideal situation in this regard would that a person wishing to vote in either capacity (positive or negative) must be logged in, must select a reason from a list, and then be given the option of typing a written response.
Both providing positive -and- negative feedback should be equal in process accessibility, otherwise you skew results unfairly towards one or the other.
And anyone stating that downvotes can be abused should note that the reasons stated for such are also currently abuseable for upvotes.

Kind Regards,


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  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2024

    While I actually agree that both positive and negative feedback is important, the number of comments on this suggestion indicating the person would downvote is currently greater than the number of affirmative comments, so I think if your suggestion were implemented it would lead to your suggestion showing the community mostly doesn't like it.

  • Guest
    Jun 8, 2024

    being able to delete or edit your own posts should be a possibility as well .. to clean up your own posts.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jun 8, 2024

    Nearly all sites have this bulls***, windows insider hub and much more, no downvote or "I don't care". :/

    Abuse? I read frequently on discord "Hey, please vote for my suggestion", this is not abuse?

    And write cons in the comments is not the same. E.g. "Let us Hide Hats" have 43 upvotes at the moment, should I write in the comments "I don't like this idea"?

    No, we need a downvote option, and I can't see any good reason against this, sorry.

  • Guest
    Jun 8, 2024

    Hard disagree with the downvote option. It's just not a good idea for this space at this time in my opinion.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jun 7, 2024

    +1 to the disagree with a downvote button.

    For the same reasons other guest gave on how downvotes can be abused.

    If a suggestion is disagreed with, reasons on why can be given in comment boxes.

    2 replies
  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2024

    Hard disagree with the need for a downvote button. Downvotes can easily be abused or spammed by bots or people making duplicate accounts for whatever reason people with too much time on their hands do that stuff over.

    Without an ability to weigh both the pro's -and- con's of a particular post, it becomes impossible to judge whether any suggestion will be an actual benefit to the game as a whole.

    If someone makes a suggestion that someone else sees cons to, it's important that these cons are voiced. It's important to make a comment saying why they disagree and pointing out constructive cons. Otherwise it's literally just shooting an idea down without giving reason.

    1 reply