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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 6, 2024

More Era-Appropriate NPCs, Companions, Outfits, and Tilesets

The era in which the game takes place is one rife with possibility. A great deal was happening all around the world at roughly the same time.

Example 1: The Meiji Restoration

Japan opened its borders and sought the world's knowledge to update its way of life. While this created many advances, it also destroyed the way of life of the samurai. It would make sense, in this alternate timeline, for some samurai to have escaped to the faewild to maintain their preferred way of life. Clothing, weapons, building tilesets, and decorations could naturally follow.

Example 2: Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders

Ol' Teddy was quite active around this time, getting into various adventures and putting himself in situations that most people of his monetary background would have preferred to avoid. He'd make for a very interesting NPC. And though the Rough Riders weren't yet a thing in 1888, I feel a selection of era-appropriate military uniforms could be added.

Example 3: Ching Shih and the Red Flag Fleet

One of histories wealthiest and most interesting women, Ching Shih took over her husband's pirate fleet after his death and propelled herself and her crews to incredible wealth. She is said to have died around 1844 after living a peaceful second life as the proprietor of a gambling house. (Thanks to the Discord discussion between Kaxorian and Apothete for this idea.)

Mood Board:

Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5, Example 6, Example 7, Example 8, Example 9, Example 10, Example 11

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