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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 9, 2024

Use an icon other than the wolf for wisps.

With the addition of the Hope Wisps in .3 they were given the same wolf icon as fabled beasts on the map. Players progressing get quests to do things like get fabled meat for offerings, and some use the icons on the map to help locate fabled beasts. When the wisps use the same icon that makes things pretty confusing...
I believe there is already a "star" icon, why not just make the wisps use that icon?

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  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2024

    A second icon in addition to the wolf head could continue to be useful even after the hope event is done, if you decide to have other seasonal activities/events.

  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2024

    Yeah, they're also annoying when you're trying to get good armour. Like, bro, I need to get my clothing sorted to get further.