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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 11, 2024

Create Augmentation Menu on Crafting Stations & Increase Augmentations Range to Help Reduce Duplicates & Have More Design Freedom

I've been really enjoying the latest update where we can access storage from anywhere in range. Its got me thinking about the range of our augmentations, I think we should extend the range of augmentations in our properties. Here's why:

More Design Freedom:

With wider-reaching augmentations, we could have more control over how our internal buildings look. We wouldnt need to have all the augmentations for a crafting station right next to the stations. Instead they could be anywhere in the property and we could decorate as we see fit. This gives us more creative freedom and means we dont have to use augmentations that just dont make sense next to certain crafting stations. For instance, having an anvil next to a sewing machine just to unlock a clothing set looks off and doesn’t make much sense.

Reduce Duplicates Saving on the 350 Building Limit:

Right now, we sometimes have to use multiple instances of the same augmentation item, like anvils etc., just because the stations aren't close enough. For example, I’ve got three anvils spread around my place just to unlock different crafting options. This eats up our building slots, which could be used for decorations, lights, or other functional items. Obviously if the augmentations have a wider range then we need to address how we deal with the augmentation limits on the crafting stations, heres a few ideas:

  1. Automatic Tier Selection: Have the highest tiered item in a set automatically chosen and the other items which unlock the same stuff, ignored. Like, if three kitchen related items ulock the same things in a crafting station, then have the station pick the highest tiered one and ignore the rest. At the moment if more than one augmentation is sensed in range they both take up a slot even though they both unlock the same item. This limits our creative freedom to just one item in range.

  2. Customisable Augmentation Menu: Add a menu on each crafting station where we can pick which augmentations to activate from those in range. Side feature request: It’d be awesome to see which ones are currently active and what they’re doing.

  3. Remove or Increase Augmentation Limits: Either get rid of augmentation limits or increase them a lot to give us more flexibility and creative freedom.

The main goal here is to give us more control over the aesthetics and functionality of our buildings. It also forces us to use up slots we could use for other cool stuff. And it means a lot of our internal spaces will look similar as we all have to have similar items in close range.

Thanks for considering these ideas. I think they’d make the game even more fun by letting us focus more on creativity and using our build limits wisley. From junk rooms to minimalist to cosy libraries, the possibilites will be endless with this feature.

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  • Guest
    Jul 15, 2024

    The thought I had about this, and maybe it could also be a thing is to show all schematics we have access to and then grey out the ones we dont have the augmentation for, then show us which augmentation (s) we need to craft the item.

  • Guest
    Jun 27, 2024

    Definitely agree with this. Ideally the menu would show us what the augments are going to give us access to, but in the short term, just being able to turn an augment on/off would go a long way in allowing us to craft what we want and decorate a bit better as an added bonus.