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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 11, 2024

Bookshelves, rugs, and other "useless" furniture

In short, more clutter furniture would help our builds feel more lived in and make the current structure limits feel less limiting. It sounds like the opposite, but I've been using Runescape 3 for inspiration due to the blockier nature of their houses. They use sparing furniture (maybe 10-15 items at times) but it feels lived in due to mainly big furniture pieces like bookshelves and things that cover the floor, like rugs. I don't like comparing this game to such an old MMO, but I wanna work with what we got. I honestly think this would help every house feel more homey and enjoyable. In short, more big furniture items and rugs! They don't even have to be augments!
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  • Guest
    Jun 16, 2024

    And curtains! It's surprising how much of a difference 'useless' decorations like curtains, rugs, and books can make. They can turn a cold wooden hut into a lived-in cozy cottage.

  • Guest
    Jun 11, 2024

    Rugs especially important for aesthetics and interior decoration design! You can have an awesome looking set up inside currently, however the addition of rugs (often an underlooked decor item in basebuilding games imo) can REALLY set the mood

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