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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 13, 2024

Allround feedback

Hey all ,

I have been thinking on some points that could be a little better / streamlined in the game:

  • An overview of factions in the guidebook that gets filled when you visited a specific biome regardless of difficulty so we can actually see all the factions there are (even named npc's can be put in this section as well )

  • There needs to be a better way of explaining all the different categories of essences in the game in the guidebook what they are used for and why they are needed ( explaining from T1 and up )

  • There also needs to be a re balancing of Tier 2 essence or at least more straightforward ways to earn Tier 2 essence :

Firstly i will explain why i think it needs to have a re balancing if Tier 2 essence is such a necessity for us players then it needs to be better explained in the game and it should not be something you have to discover on your own.
There is frankly too little Tier 2 essence rewarded when you actually go out to farm it several times over and over in a specific biome , it needs to be at least doubled in my opinion. Second remark i have with this point i find it not a good balance that one type of essence is so heavy represented to upgrade any gear AND also is needed for making cards . I find Tier 2 essence really unbalanced at this current stage in the game.

Secondly I will propose means to earn Tier 2 essence in more straightforward ways , Tier 2 essence can be handed out in the lotus chest at the end of Vault ( say a 120 ) , it can be earned by doing Fae Towers (next to the other essence it normally would reward 25 units of Tier 2 ) , it can be earned by doing POI's ( 100 units of Tier 2 ) as part of their reward pool . The reasons why I address this is simply it is literally way too much effort to earn yourself one very specific essence .

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