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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 22, 2024

Building limit is too low

As the title suggests, the current building limit is abysmal. My friends and I were excited to hop in on the same realm and start building together. Unfortunately, the build limit is so small, even for single player, that it is not feasible. It would be greatly appreciated if the structure limit could be increased for single player and multiplayer. Perhaps a separate build limit for each extra player? Also, torches and certain items seem to count toward the build limit, which is also unfortunate. The cairn takes 50 from the build limit to my recollection of 350, which, with 6 players, is 300 of the total 350 structure limit. At this point, I have not gone back to the game unfortunately due to this. Thank you for the space to share feedback, and I hope this is in future plans. Once a solution has been implemented, I'll be giving the game another go, as I had fun otherwise.
    Jun 3, 2024

    We understand the frustration and are working on changing/improving these limits but it is a longer term project for us due to technical requirements. We'll continue to provide updates as we have them!
    Jun 3 Note: Changed title to closer reflect the feedback

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  • Guest
    Aug 20, 2024

    Just came back after a few months away, hoping I would be able to build again. Sadly that is not the case. :(

    It still says 7/100 under buildings. Well I was able to build those foundations, that I deleted last I played. But I still cant do anything else.

  • Guest
    Aug 10, 2024
    It would be good if off-line players could decide the limit in the game setting by themselves.
  • Guest
    Jul 20, 2024

    I couldn't agree more. I really like the game, but this limit severely detracts from my enjoyment of the game. Especially because crafting seems to require duplicate crafting stations due to the (also silly) augementation limit.

  • Guest
    Jul 4, 2024

    Please give priority to solve this problem, my friends and I are very disappointed to see this limitation, we cannot enjoy the game with this small limit.

  • Guest
    Jun 13, 2024

    I look forward to the future when we can build bigger and better for sure! I have made a suggestion here about some alterations to the augmentations that I think could help us work within the current build limits more efficiently ->

  • Guest
    May 30, 2024

    Just a note:

    The livestream today (5/29) included the statement that this is amongsts their top priorities in the next update and is receiving much of their attention.

  • Guest
    May 26, 2024

    i trid to build a bases but it keeps getting this red thing so i hope the devs fix this

  • Guest
    May 25, 2024

    Agree with OP. This limit is frustrating to the point of quitting.

  • Guest
    May 23, 2024

    That's a real shame that it is a longer term project behind off-line play. Especially as it is promoted with building as a key feature, yet even in our personal realm we are restricted in building. You really need to bump up the priority and figure out this technical requirement because the building in games like these are very important to a large portion of the player base, and other survival/building games have figured out this requirement.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    May 22, 2024

    I agree. I was so disappointed when we started building something and realized that we had to downsize because of the building limit. We really wanted to create something grand and beautiful, but we couldn't make what we envisioned. My interest plummeted because of this limitation and I stopped playing. I am waiting for news of the building limit being increased or removed before I try again.

  • Guest
    May 22, 2024

    AFAIK the limit is due to the way Unreal Engine works. Increases by Inflexion themselves to the in-game limit could cause crashes and saves to not load. So it's set to the max that keeps the game stable. They said they are working with UE regarding this.

    3 replies
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