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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 25, 2024

T1 and T2 essences are too difficult late game-urgent.

You have received a few requests to change this, and it is essential that you do so, immediately. Either multiply the amount we receive by 1.5, or allow us to trade in higher essence for these low tier essences. The amount required to repair is ridiculous and grindy given how little we recieve, greater potions are impractical if not impossible to brew, and crafting new gear becomes a chore when I constantly have to go to low level realms for t2 essence for upgrading.

Let me stress to you that this is not something to put off. It is the worst part of this game, and it goes beyond ruining the fun, and makes me angry. Whatever you are working on, set it aside. This needs to be your priority. Read the other comments to this effect and make a positive change. This game has way too much going for it to let it be ruined by something so tedious,

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  • Guest
    Jun 26, 2024

    While T2 can be a bit of a pest to get, you can get more T1 essence by going into your inventory and extracting higher level essence. T3 and T4 essences can give a -lot- of T1 essence for each one extracted. That should help take care of repair costs.