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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 26, 2024

Customer service

I sent a report regarding all my portals being set to extream difficult lelvel i have ask for this to be fixed its been over a month and nothink has been done. can you tell me why you not done this.i cannot play anymore due to it to hard and i carnt progress in the game

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  • Guest
    Jun 27, 2024

    Yes all my portals are all set to Extreme . And No you cam not change the portal level once its been set period.

  • Guest
    Jun 26, 2024

    This is a small team of developers, and they have a lot of issues to deal with. The game is in early access for a reason. There are bugs and they are not going to be able to get to everything right away. Issues are going to take a while to fix and they have several to get through with not a lot of people to help take care of them.

    As for the portal issue. Are you sure that they are all actually currently set to extreme?

    There is a visual glitch when it comes to portal machines.

    Realms can be set to levels desired, and then can -appear- to be set at a different level when looking at the card machine on the portal. However, when going into the realm and looking at the actual level (the number shows up on the upper left corner of the map when you are in the realm), the level number reflects what the realm was originally set to.

    Can you try resetting a realm to easy, entering, and seeing what level the realm map shows?