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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 29, 2024

Co-op and Bound Creature Difficulty

It seems on the most recent update the Bound creatures have indeed become bountiful. To the point I'm unable to enjoy the game. Even with two players together with their allies (4 people total) I can't travel but a few steps without encountering a tribe of bound creatures. Even when trying to run away from them to get to my goal spot I almost immediately run into another group of them while the last group is still chasing me. Needless to say this results in me tapping out of play time prematurely to keep from pulling my hair out. Hopefully, we can find a middle ground between one shot kills and this nonsense. On another note, I'm hoping this game can improve the co-op aspect. When playing with another player I am unable to see their name beyond a few feet which keeps us constantly losing each other. To make matters worse we can't even place a marker on our map to help the other as my marker doesn't show up on theirs and vice versa. Just showing the people you invite to your realm on our map, like it does the allies, would help solve that issue.

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