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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Closed
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 1, 2024

Inviting someone to a Discord server to play together results in a 30 minute ban on Nightingale Discord

This is eating into your player base and has been since release - please give your Discord mods instructions to fix this.

The automatic message from Dyno is driving players away from the game (my own group) and auto banned me for 30 minutes for trying to help a new player:

When I pasted a normal invite to a Discord server ( to

"im new anyone wanna play?"

Crayorg (mod) wonderfully manually reversed the ban...but they don't know why we are getting banned for posting invites to chat while playing together.

My link is still deleted so the player just1kartoffel is still playing alone.

DJ who runs my other Discord server - we had a team of 6 playing on release - kept getting these threatening messages from Dyno. He complained to me on at least 3 occasions and I thought he was overreacting. He was not overreacting. This is really nasty. We moved on to other games after this happened. I didn't experience it myself until just now - you have been bleeding 4 months worth of players looking for groups with this nasty automated ban.

Do you pay your Nightingale Discord mods?
Can you please ask them to make an exception for Discord invites to the autoban?

You've lost players you'll never get back.

I trust Inflexion with 320 hours of my play time to NOT act like robots at me.

Inflexion is lovely and conscientious I know by experience...

...but your greeter at the door is watching for people playing Nightingale together and autobanning them.

I've put a lot of effort into promoting your game - give us the opportunity to nurture new players on Discord, please.

just1kartoffel is still playing alone

"im new anyone wanna play?"

This is anti-marketing.

You will have less players and the fact you haven't fixed this in 4 months? You deserve it.
This isn't the first time it has been brought to Inflexion's attention.

Player groups are your lifeblood.

    Jul 2, 2024

    Hey there! Due to the amount of compromised accounts posting links on the regular in the Discord, we have pretty strict bot responses to URLs which results in auto-mute and shouldn't result in a ban unless there is multiple infractions. As we have a LFP section and voice chats, we prefer if players group up on the Official server as we're unable to monitor or guarantee safety outside of it. Appreciate the feedback and we'll continue to revisit these policies as we go and make sure all mods know how to manually override automod actions - Steph

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 11, 2024
    Do you need a whole server for just 6 people?
  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2024

    I love the fact that despite the -openly stated rules of the discord that you must affirm you understand in order to participate in- , people still get upset when they get banhammered for not abiding by said things. I hope people ignore this post, like such people ignore the rules of the discord.

  • Guest
    Jul 2, 2024


    Problem was between keyboard and chair:
    Just DM the person and you can send a Discord invite link.

    Sorry to bother you Inflexion people, keep being fantastic and putting top hats on things :)