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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 3, 2024


You know what would be good? A YouTube lore channel that week-by-week explores the lore more in-depth than the game does.
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  • Guest
    Jul 5, 2024

    I mean.. if it's just random lore about the real world elements, already a lot of places to find that, like the Lore podcast and TV series. If it's stuff about In Game things, then honestly that lore should be discoverable in the game. Don't tell us the lore, show it to us, let us become involved with it, discover it, be shocked by it. Let the artistry run wild with it.
    It might take time for that lore to be available, since designing all the IG elements will take time. But it will be so much more worth it than just a game gutted of lore because it's just easier to put on a YouTube channel.