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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 4, 2024

T3 Blot Fishgoat is ridiculously hard to hunt

I have spent hours trying to get even one kill of Blot, the Fishgoat in a 220 ascended herbarium realm. Even with 3,600 stealth AND crouching the whole time he seems to notice me, even when I'm further out than 100 meters. I have tried multiple times. I've been able to get him a few times, but it usually is an entire afternoon wasted on this frustrating thing. I think a little balance is needed at least on this one fabled creature. For one thing, it doesn't seem fair that he can move entirely off the map. I love Nightingale otherwise and have played for over 700 hours. This just sticks out as stupidly difficult.

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  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2024

    Having difficulties hunting Bolt. I have reset the realm (always a different configuration) three times. Every time he is either on an island way out in the sea, or when I finally get close to him in the swamp he runs into a rock island and I cannot get to him, I can kill him with Shockwave, but can't harvest the recourses.