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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on May 24, 2024

Let us Hide Hats

Please allow the option to toggle on/off the visual of showing our hat's.

We all have our reasons for wanting to hide hats... moreso now that you have the ability to Edit Appearance for your character, you cannot hide your hat on the editing screen. You must take off your hat, then logout to the main menu to do your edits, then back in again.

For a long time now, we all know that the hats show higher above the head than we all would like them to be, and being able to hide the hat would just be nice to not look at that.

I did a search on Discord for "hide hat", and certainly found quite a lot of posts about this, so please allow us this ability.

Thank you! <3

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  • Guest
    Jul 20, 2024

    I'd love to be able to hide any piece of equipment, like the recent Assassin's Creed games allow for. The more appearance can be decoupled from gear the better. Tinting, visibility, transmog/outfits would be great.

  • Guest
    Jun 15, 2024

    Hiding hats would be cool for sure. I'd personally enjoy a system for just setting up cosmetics, that way I can always wear the goofy dress or something without being penalized for it. But just being able to hide the hat is a good start for sure

  • Guest
    Jun 10, 2024

    If you don't want a hat, then don't wear a hat. Deal with it, you shouldn't be able just to hide stuff and keep their value.

  • Guest
    Jun 8, 2024

    We all? No sorry, I don't like this idea. Hat is a part of the dress.

  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2024

    Body types not A or B is currently hiding hat and backpacks and my character looks so much better.

  • Guest
    May 28, 2024

    Hide hat AND hide Backpack should definatly be options.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    May 25, 2024

    definitely for the edit appearance screen