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Nightingale Legacy Portal
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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 5, 2024

Notify if a stat will reach softcap during crafting

It is incredibly frustrating to craft gear, invest time and materials into putting it all together, only to find out too late that a large part of what you've just put into it has been wasted. I don't object to the soft/hardcaps, I object to not knowing whether I'm going to hit those caps until after I've already completed the build and gone through all the upgrade tiers. It feels like wasted effort.

Please, I beg of you, please give us some indication in the crafting UI whether the stats we're selecting are going to hit the soft cap when if we complete the build as-is and go through all tiers in the upgrade bench. You don't have to reveal the math or what the numbers will be when it's all said and done. Just give us a warning sign, a color code, anything at all to let us know "Hey, adding anything more to that particular stat will be significantly reduced from what you think it will be."

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  • Guest
    Jul 7, 2024

    I would much prefer if Soft Caps were removed from items, and moved onto the Character totals as a whole.
    Let items have a fixed, pre-determined -maximum- limit. And let characters have a diminishing returns factor without a maximum limit.
    That way you can make maxed out items, but the hard cap prevents exploits.
    And the Player can choose to stack either all the same buffs, and go into Soft Cap territory on the character as a whole, or diversify and avoid soft caps.
    But because the hard cap is a flat value, it's easy to work around, and because the soft cap on character has no maximum, it allows people the choice of doubling down on a single element as much as they want.

    And with soft caps on the character as a whole, then devpeople can more easily balance statistics/damage/etc against the available difficulties and desired combat capabilities.