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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 20, 2024

Early Shotguns need a rework

Both the shotgun and blunderbuss need to be reworked. The repeater is the clear winner of the T1 guns as its alt fire is basically the shotgun's damage but you optionally get the option of 4 less damaging shots as well and ammo does not cost enough to discorage it over the shotgun. The rifle is mostly ok where it is (I think maybe a slightly faster reload but as it has the highest damage and range of the 3 so it is otherwise fine) The blunderbuss and shotgun on the other hand are underpowered. The Blunderbuss is kind of supposed to be a tier 0.5 but is significantly worse than the sling bow in both damage and reload speed. What I think should be done is the blunderbuss should be given the stats of the T1 shotgun with maybe a 10-20% damage reduction while leaving the reload and the T1 shotgun be made into a double barrel at current stats to make it compete with the repeater's alt fire.

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  • Guest
    Aug 2, 2024

    I have unlocked later shotguns and I am now more firm in my opinion that the double barrel needs to be the T1 shotgun and I would suggest that the upgrade be either an 1887 Winchester or if you are looking for something more exotic a burgess. Giving it a 6-8 round mag with a lower load time per round would allow it its greater damage over the Winchester Rifle and make both distinct but equally useful. I have yet to play with the T2 pistols so this opinion may change.

  • Guest
    Jul 27, 2024

    After messing with the rifle more it definitely needs an upgrade too. Its damage is the highest so having it match the reload of the shotgun or pistol doesn't make sense. What I think it needs is a bayonet attachment as many rifles of the time were equipped with them and it would help when you get swarmed and cant reload as its reload is the most finicky of the 3. This would shore up its weakness without making it the clear winner of the 3