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Created by Guest
Created on Jul 22, 2024

Accessibility options for bastilles of intellect and insight

I have only played Online, so cannot say if this happens offline mode as well.


Bastilles of Intellect are currently very difficult.
I have tinnitus and my hearing (and eyesight) isn't what it used to be. As such, I am often not able to accurately hear the sounds that the pylons make, and can't tell what direction they are. Instead, I have to rely on looking around at the end for all of them to flash red, and hope that my poor eyesight can pick that up. Sometimes I stand for 20 mins or more just trying to track down all the pylons.

Accessibility option in the game settings, perhaps, to accommodate this. Instead of flashing briefly and offering a muted tone, is it possible to perhaps instead have them send up a vertical light to the ceiling that persists just a bit longer, and maybe a way to tell how many pylons I'm looking for?
Perhaps there can be a toggle / slider for extra-loud pylon tones? If I just increase the audio, then the sound of everything else is increased as well (e.g. those jingly little wisps that like to cruise around and taunt me), and thus the issue of "crosstalk" is not resolved.


Bastilles of Insight are also currently difficult.
I've recently been informed that the glyphs have a sound. I have actually never heard that sound and didn't even know there was one. I have been running in circles just trying to catch a glimpse of a tiny bit of red.

As above, accessibility options in the game may accommodate this. Also perhaps a red/green colourblind accessibility option might be helpful for some people.
Increasing the volume of the special bastille audio indicators while muting background noise might help with this as well.

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  • Guest
    Aug 15, 2024

    Somthing like this would be fantastic. At the moment I know that it's not a game I can recommend to friends that are deaf or hearing impared

  • Guest
    Aug 15, 2024

    I also agree with this, I have Tinnitus as well and didn't even know about the glyphs making noise until after 1200 hours in game.

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2024

    As an older gamer who also has reduced hearing capability, I concur with this suggestion. Something for those of us with some degree of disability would be appreciated. Especially in the Vaults, where the puzzle areas are massive, I find the bastille's of Insight to be the hardest for similar reasons.