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Nightingale Legacy Portal
Status Open
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 3, 2024

Want to fix the game?

Here is how you fix the game. First listen to us. I've requested from Day 1 to add a warning before deleting your companion by accident OR move the dang button. I got tired of losing everything because I accidently hit the tiny slim button. I put in tickets, request, posted on Steam, Discord over and over. I put in negative review and someone responds to me so I go and check and still no warning POOF no warning companion gone with all my high end armor and weapons. SMH

2. Remove the 1,355,634,673,534,676,324,986,454,623 augmentations from the game this is the craziest thing I've even seen. I have to FIGHT with augmentations to make something just remove them since you will not fix it.

3. Grinding OMG its the same thing over and over and over. same patterns over and over and over.

4. Build Limitations were do I even start here? Wait! Maybe its the 1,355,634,673,534,676,324,986,454,623 augmentations that eat up all the build slots?? SMH.

5. Wait I had a thought! How about making something like soulmask and have a table that respawns your companion and it drops the armor and weapons when they die or ACCIDENTLY DELETED. Wow I thought of that on my own.

This is my final word. The problem is YOU DON'T LISTEN TO US. I see it in the forums, discord, steam. The moderators must delete post. We are screaming for someone to listen or respond to us.

Devs..... I know YOU have a vision on how you want this game, but remember this.... You don't buy the game WE DO. We play the game. It's OK to have a vision, but just remember 1,000's of other people are going to play this game not just you. Design and game for us not you.

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